Saturday, February 7, 2015

Candy Hearts Wind Chime (and Ornaments)

I'm sure by now you know how much I love Americana Decor Chalky Finish Paint (I'd eat if I could)  A few weeks ago I realized that some of the colors were right out of a box of Valentine's Day conversation hearts!  From the moment I made that realization I decided to create a project just so I could use those colors.....and here it is.
Happy Valentine's Day!
Candy hearts swaying in the wind
They look good enough to eat!
Hang them around the house one by one!
Watch the short video tutorial here!
Heart molds
Plaster of Paris
Wire cutters
12" piece of wood molding
Cut 4" long pieces of wire and bend them in a "U" shape with curved ends
Mix water with some plaster of Paris
Fill the molds about 1/2"
Place the "U" shapes in the plaster and let dry
Remove from the molds and paint with chalky finish
Mark every inch along the 12" piece of molding
Drill holes where you marked
Paint the molding and let dry
Arrange your plaster hearts
Cut ribbon to the desired length
Thread the ribbon through the holes and tie the hearts on each end
Add ribbon to the holes on each, tie in a bow and hang