Years and years ago I attended the party of a fabulous woman who lived in a glass high rise in the heart of NYC. She was an avid collector of Chanel clothing and jewelry. During the party she took me aside and in to her wardrobe room and showed me what looked easily like 10 million dollars worth of Chanel. Everything from vintage to her collection of couture. I was blown away and will never forget it! Drawers of Chanel jewelry. Racks and racks of Chanel clothing. Shelves full of handbags and shoes. This is a project inspired by that very night.
Here's the how-to video
You'll need:
Metal cuffs
Pearl trim
Rhinestone trim
Wire cutters
E-6000 glue
Large crystals
White Krylon Spray paint
Glue your rhinestone to the center of the cuff
Surround it with pearl trim
Glue lengths of the rhinestone trim along the side of the pearls
Continue for about 3 rows and then let the glue set for 20 minutes.
Continue around the rest of the cuff and let dry for 1 hour.
Spray paint your cuff off white
Cut pearl trim and rhinestone trim the width of the cuff
Starting in the center, glue the trim from edge to edge with small rows of E-6000 glue
Continue all the way around the cuffs and let dry for at least an hour.
From THE BIG ASS BOOK OF BLING out on November 13th
Reserve your copy today!
Love Coco Chanel, and Mark Montano.