I'm not sure if you know this but I love cutting up old books. Scarred, yellowed, damaged, water marked, if a book is ready for the trash bin, I take it apart and use the pages in my projects. Something about them just makes me want to grab my Elmer's glue and create.
For years people have been using them for their projects and here are a few people I truly admire. I hope they inspire you as they have inspired many.
Leave a comment on this blog post and I'll send someone a copy of Pulp Fiction Perfect Paper Projects 2nd Edition!
By Swedish artist Cecilia Levy. No other way to describe this but SWEET.
These bracelets by German designer Dorisse have inspired many people. She's been selling them on Etsy for years and they are just wonderful.
Patty Grazini is one of my heroes. I get truly lost in her work. You must Google her!
Su Blackwell is another artist you must learn about. If I ever met her or Patty Grazini in person I would freak out like a Beatles fan!
Su Blackwell again......
Alice In Wonderland also by Su Blackwell......Geez! Amazing
Better Homes and Gardens featured this design
Cheeky Magpie made this, you could do pears or pumpkins, too!
My old friend Chase made this for While You Were Out years ago, but recently it was features on hgtv.com
Finally, my book page covered table from