When I was about 9 or 10 there was an Independence Day Fire Hydrant Painting contest in our home town. Naturally I had a panic attack and begged my parents to let me paint the hydrant on our corner in stars and stripes. I swear the paints they gave us were lead filled and toxic, but that's another story! After I spent an entire day in the sun revamping a hideous, crusty yellow fire hydrant into a dazzling red, white and blue MESS, my parents took us around town to suss out the competition. Let's just say I didn't get the prize that year. I did however have a stash of red white and blue paint for all kinds of other projects! Today, it's still one of my favorite color combinations. Happy 4th my friends!
xoxo, Mark
I decided to embellish my 4th of July decorations with
from E-6000
Fireworks wine glasses!
Who doesn't need a decorated beer mug?!
My little ice bucket only holds one beer!
Cookies are almost ready!
A bit of my table setting
Glue on some stars! I went a little nuts
I can't resist a painted pot project! These were
made with Americana Decor Chalky Finish
and Allure with silver glitter
made with Americana Decor Chalky Finish
and Allure with silver glitter
too bad, Mark that you don't have a photo of the fire hydrant. that would be so cool to see. :) Dana