Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Some beautiful things to inspire you..........

Saw this in Pinterest and thought WOW!  Such a fun way to spruce up a clip board.  I'm sure you can come up with all sorts of things to do with yours!
Learned that lemon takes away hard water stains on your faucets.  I think it's worth a try, don't you?  
How fun are these little birds with crowns.  Print them out and make some terrific cards for your friends.

I may need to stack my books up somewhere because they are all over the place!  This might work.
 How about grabbing a leaf from outside and using a paper bag to wrap your next gift? I think any type of foliage would work for this except poison ivy.
And remember, there are more than 150 projects in 


  1. Hi Mark!
    Just love this clipboard idea. Fun! And the lemon for the hard water stains looks like it might work. I'm going to try it! Happy spring and happy Easter!

  2. Pinterest is so fun isn't it? LOL I even heard today on Rachel Ray's show her talking about the deviled eggs that look like chicks.

  3. Hi.. Beautiful blog.

    Visit me too www.crieartezzanato.blogspot.com


  4. Love all the ideas.....had to laugh at the last one re: poison ivy. I guess it all depends on whom the gift is for. LMAO!!!!!

  5. Love all the ideas.....I had to laugh at the last one regarding poison ivy. I guess it all depends on whom the gift is for.....LMAO!!!!!

  6. Love all these ideas! Thanks for sharing :)

  7. Great ideas... love the little birds!!! thanks!

  8. Clever ideas Mark, but I really like the birds.
    Thank you.

  9. I love the birds. Thank you so much, Mark.
