Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Resin Butterfly Tray DIY

I have trays for EVERY occasion because, well,  they just make everything look so much better!  I have them on my walls for decoration, by my door for my keys and mail, above the fridge for when I entertain and in my studio holding pots filled with brushes and pencils.  My (hands down) favorite tray is the one I use when I eat in bed like a big lazy-puss.  That's what my mom used to call me when I didn't want to help clean the house.  I made this tray from top to bottom and you can, too with a few simple cuts of wood from the hardware store.  Use any image you want in place of the butterflies!  Stop at the decoupage stage OR add resin for a beautiful glass-like bottom.  It's all up to you.  Just remember to have fun, get messy and Make Your Mark!
With a thick layer of Americana Decoupage in Gloss
Ready for afternoon tea
Filled with resin for a beautiful glass-like base
Watch how to make them here!
Stuff You'll Need
Wood for base (size is up to you)
1 1/2" wood trim for the edges (have them cut to size)
1" x 1" wood trim for handles (two pieces about 4" long)
Optional: Brass corners
Spray bottle with water
Butterfly images
Hammer and small nails

 Here's How
1. Nail your tray together using 1" long nails
2. Sand the edges so they're even and smooth
3.  Paint the base with Americana Decor Metallics in Antique Brass
4. Paint the edges and bottom with Americana Decor Satin Enamels in True Teal
5. Cut out your butterfly images
6. & 7. Decoupage the butterflies to the base of the tray and let dry
*Mist each butterfly with a spray bottle to relax the paper to prevent bubbles
*Finish with a generous coat of decoupage over all of the images and on the inside edges of the tray
8. Add brass corners (this step is optional but I think it makes the tray look expensive and chic!)
9. & 10. Nail in the 1" x 1" wood pieces on the sides for handles and then paint in the True Teal
11.  Mix the Glaze Coat resin and pour evenly in the base of the tray
*Spread with a sponge brush to help even it out
12.  Pop the bubbles with a small torch OR long arm lighter and let cure overnight
Ready for my keys and the mail!
Perfect for trinkets or an afternoon snack


  1. loving your gorgeous butterfly tray Mark* trays are super fun, I always use them too in my home. Thanks for a great video on how to make one

  2. This project looks incredible and store bought! xoxo Jen

  3. Thank you so much! Awesome - Looks like I can do this! I have stickers & decals of places (National Parks etc) my son & daughter in law have been to on their family trips & I wanted to make them a tray for the ottoman they use for their coffee table. You'll explained it perfectly. And btw - as someone else said - your project looks store bought - very professional!
