Monday, August 29, 2011

CAST PLASTER MASK PLANTERS......Say that 3 times fast!

I love anything that you can use as a mold.  When I saw these 
Halloween masks the first thing I thought of was how to use them to cast
 something in plaster of Paris. Well, the results were 
terrific and it makes my boring garden pots, well, spectacular.
Halloween masks that you can fill with plaster
Plaster of Paris 
Tile adhesive calking
Plastic or Terracotta pots
Goop Glue or E-6000
Hot Glue and glue sticks
White Krylon spray paint
Gray paint
Craft knife
1.  Mix enough plaster of Paris to fill your masks.
DON’T WORRY:  If your mask has holes in it for the eyes and mouth, just tape
 over it on the outside of the mask.  Not on the inside where you will be
 pouring the plaster.
2.       Let the masks dry and remove.
3.   Score the pot and the back of the plaster face. This will make it rough so that the glue has 
something to hold on to.
4.       Using hot glue, Goop glue, and whatever glue you can find, put the 
face on the planter and let it dry in place.  Squeeze in some Tile adhesive calking in 
the edges where the plaster face doesn’t touch the side of the pot.
HINT: My pots were cheapie plastic pots and I had to cut off some of the rim with 
scissors to get the mask to fit just right.  However, pots come in many different 
sizes. Take your mask to the hardware store with you to figure out which will work best.
5.       After your face is dried in place, fill the sides with more calking.  I thought this made
 it more finished, but honestly, it would look good without this step.
6.       Spray your pot white after the grout has dried.
7.       Dry brush your pots with the gray paint over the white.  This will make the 
features pop.  Keep doing it until you achieve the look you want.
Fill with a bushy plant and it will look like green hair.
This and 100 more ideas in The Big Ass Book of Home Decor!


  1. OK Mark, you gotta answer this for me. I was always told plaster of paris is not good for things that go outside or that will get wet because the plaster will wash away. Have you found this to be true? I LOve what you have done here! These are FANTABULOUS!!!!!

  2. I have a large halloween party every year.. these would be perfect... TFS

  3. I guess you could use concrete (or quik crete)and attach it to a concrete pot.

  4. Oh!! wow this is such a neat idea! I will definitely try this out!
    plastic planters
