Friday, March 16, 2018

Floral Lampshades with Unicorn SPiT

I snagged some simple lampshades at a thrift store for a song and you know me, if I can paint it or glue something on it, it's not safe! It's just how I live my life, friends.  I pulled out a few of my favorite adult coloring book pages for a pattern inspiration and then went nuts with my stash of Unicorn SPiT.  I used floral pages, but any pattern would work.  You might try copying the page and coloring it before you jump into painting the lampshade. This way you'll know how you want them to look.  I think they give a stained glass feel and that's just fine with me.  Remember, if it's not tied down, embellish it!  Oh, and always Make Your Mark!
 Flower power!
 Brightening a corner of my kitchen

Watch how to make them here!
Plain fabric lampshades
Allure Dimensional Design Adhesive Paint in Gloss Black
Pompom trim
E-6000 Fabri-Fuse
1.  Trace the shape of the lampshade on the back of the adult coloring book page and cut out
2.  Tape it inside the lampshade and put the lamp inside
3.  With the lightbulb on, trace the pages lightly with a pencil
4.  Trace over the pencil lines with Allure in Gloss Black and let dry
5. - 9. Slightly water down your favorite colors of Unicorn SPiT and start painting the flowers and leaves
10.  When the shades are dry, spray them with Minwax lacquer and let dry
11.  Using E-6000 Fabri-Fuse, glue mini pompom trim around the rims of each shade
12.  Hold in place with clothespins while they dry
 Brilliant and blooming!
Spring has sprung!


  1. Wow! Beautiful! What a great inspiration to use the coloring book pages. Your house must be so whimsical and full of color. One of my favorite things about following you is that you use so many beautiful, vibrant colors in your designs and artwork. It’s really oddly comforting to me but I just figured out why.. it reminds me of my childhood, growing up and spending time in Mexico with my abuela..spent many summers there and I loved the open air markets with all the colorful flowers and fabrics hanging all around..I just loved going there and looking at all the pretty handmade crafts, textiles and favorite was the huge tissue paper flowers! Omg so colorful and bigger than me back then. I always got one every time we went. But unfortunately I haven’t been back to Mexico, Piedres Negras.. it’s a border town with Eagle Pass, Texas. But I just wanted to tell you that I love how you incorporate all the beautiful colors that remind me of my childhood.. great many moons ago and good memories..
    On that note, do you have any suggestions on how to create faux Mexican embroidery? Like on the traditional Mexican dresses and blouses? I don’t have the hand strength or stamina to do too much embroidery anymore because of Rhuematoid Arthritis but I love the look of the Mexican embroidery.. but I haven’t figured out how to Faux embroider it yet! So I guess it would be a request for any ideas?? I am looking to do it on fabric like the ruffled blouses. So anything you can recommend would be awesome.this tutorial kinda reminded of that maybe because of the colors and flowers! As always
    thank you! -jess

  2. Wow! Beautiful! What a great inspiration to use the coloring book pages. Your house must be so whimsical and full of color. One of my favorite things about following you is that you use so many beautiful, vibrant colors in your designs and artwork. It’s really oddly comforting to me but I just figured out why.. it reminds me of my childhood, growing up and spending time in Mexico with my abuela..spent many summers there and I loved the open air markets with all the colorful flowers and fabrics hanging all around..I just loved going there and looking at all the pretty handmade crafts, textiles and favorite was the huge tissue paper flowers! Omg so colorful and bigger than me back then. I always got one every time we went. But unfortunately I haven’t been back to Mexico, Piedres Negras.. it’s a border town with Eagle Pass, Texas. But I just wanted to tell you that I love how you incorporate all the beautiful colors that remind me of my childhood.. great many moons ago and good memories..
    On that note, do you have any suggestions on how to create faux Mexican embroidery? Like on the traditional Mexican dresses and blouses? I don’t have the hand strength or stamina to do too much embroidery anymore because of Rhuematoid Arthritis but I love the look of the Mexican embroidery.. but I haven’t figured out how to Faux embroider it yet! So I guess it would be a request for any ideas?? I am looking to do it on fabric like the ruffled blouses. So anything you can recommend would be awesome.this tutorial kinda reminded of that maybe because of the colors and flowers! As always
    thank you! -jess
